How To Use Design Thinking Principles For Writing
You don’t need a Magic Bullet. Follow a set process
You open the Mobile app or You open the
Click on the + sign, Write a Story
And then… two things happen
- Keep researching for the article you are about to write
- A blank canvas and this stays blank for some time.
But, you don’t want both to happen. What you want is to Write, Write and Write and be in a flow state
One of the methods (I have been experimenting with many) that you can explore is “Bucketing”
- Ideation
2. Research
3. Content preparation
4. Final Draft & Review
5. Publish
6. Engage with the Audience, Respond to comments which lead to Ideation
Let’s get into each of the buckets
Ideation :
Start listing down the idea you get. Or even better, dedicate time to sourcing all the ideas, and headlines you can write about.
Research the topic, read the book and try out the experiment or habit you want to write about. Journal this and identify the pattern
Content Preparation